“I went to the camp the summer of 2013, 2014 and 2015 and I had a really good time there. The volunteers are very friendly and helping kids that haven´t got good living conditions is very grateful. Also going to another country is a good experience, because you can learn from another culture. I invite everyone to go to the camp, because everyone who goes there wants to repeat the experience.”
“The best story was that time, when a child came to me and told me “you are my best friend”, although I assumed, that we will never see each other again after camp. I think, most of children were happy and they enjoyed their summer camp. The next funny experience was, when one afternoon, group of voluntiers built simple toboggan. It was made from foil and it was going from the top of beach into the lake. But when I saw a joy in the eyes of children and also voluntiers – that was funny. After that, I realized, that the most beautiful experiences are associated with simple things and friends around you.”
“I’m Julia from Barcelona. I’m studying to be teacher of preschool and elementary education, I decided to volunteer in other countries to get to know other cultures from the perspective of the local population and at the same time help the children to have a good summer experience. But what I found in Kosnica was much more than this, I found a great team of monitors ready to work to build a summer camp where children enjoy every second and feel loved and cared for in every way. I found incredible friends with whom I enjoyed working, cooking, talking, dancing, laughing… and sharing infinite moments and experiences that I will never forget…”
“One of the biggest experiences of my life was working and enjoying with the kids and all the volunteers. Despite the hard work, the high temperatures and the mosquitos, I really had fun working in something that I noticed since the first moment that it was need for.
For me the camp was an amazing experience. In Kosnica camp I discovered an unknown part of myself. It changed the way I see Europe.
As one of the volunteers told me, we only can give good moments and experiences to the kids, and with that good moments and memories they are going to grow all their lives.
I recommend to everybody this experience because when you try once you will be willing to repeat.”
“I came to the Kosnica camp twice in 2015 and 2016 and look forward to coming again! It was the first volunteering experience for me and one of the best experiences in my entire life. Other volunteers are amazing people and the kids who participate are great! The thing which usually stresses the international volunteers is the language barrior as only a few kids speak English but it turns out to be no problem at all because everyone smiles at the same language 🙂”
“Prvi put sam volontirala na kampu „Košnica prijateljstva“ pre skoro 10 godina. Ono što od tada ne prestaje da me oduševljava jeste entuzijazam koji sa sobom donose volonteri. Ovi mladi ljudi koji svake godine iznova prelaze stotine i hiljade kilometara kako bi svoj godišnji odmor proveli baš tu, nesebično deleći svoju ljubav, energiju i znanja sa decom, čine kamp veoma posebnim. Svakom od njim sam zahvalna što su bili tu, neko jednom a mnogi i više puta, što su pomogli u ostvarivanju našeg zajedničkog cilja, a i lično, jer svaki razgovor sa njima predstavlja nove vidike a sva prijateljstva koja sam stekla i mene čine bogatijom.”
“We are Judit and Mar, from Barcelona, and last summer we took part in Kosnica camp. The host organization was really caring and we immediately felt part of the team. The first week we helped building the camp in Begecka Jama, a wonderful place with sunsets everyday. Once the camp was built, the second week all the kids came. Although the kids didn’t speak English, we could comunicate with them without problems. Being with kids was the best part of the camp. We organized a bracelet workshop every afternoon. To sum up, our experience was incredible and we learnt a lot, especially from the kids. We would recommend it with no doubt!”
“I’ve been in Kosnica twice, and those days were the most gratifying and funniest I’ve ever had. You feel you are helping kids who need all of your love and affection to fill up their happiness. For the kids, the camp is the liberation of the harsh reality, so obviously, all the volunteers working there, give their best to have fun and to teach the basis of education.”
“Hi, my name is Maé, i’m french and i went twice to Kosnica. The both time it was an amazing experience. To work with these kids , play, talk, laugh with them is a way to teach them that differences don’t matter, that we can live peacefully all together. And Kosnica camp is this kind of places where you always feel welcome. To be a volunteer gave me the chance to be a part of this wonderfull proget and to meet wonderfull persons from Serbia and from many different countries. It’s for sure one if my best experiences in life 🙂”
“I did really enjoy participating as an international volunteer in Kosnica. Specially because as days came by you were able to see how the kids appreciated and enjoyed spending time in the camp while meeting other kids and young people. It takes place in a beautiful and natural atmosphere far from their everyday life and the problems they may have to deal with. Volunteers can join from the very first step, with the installation of the camp till the dismantling. I would just make two recommendations for the incoming volunteers: bring with you ideas and proposals for activities to carry out on the camp and try to learn some basic vocabulary in Serbian.”
“Kosnica’s helped me so much to reveal myself ! Give your love and your strenght, then it will return you back ! Working with them in Serbia is always a pleasure and building an international cooperation with my french association was amazing too!!”
Hi, my name is Katarina and this is my first time volunteering in camp Kosnica. I’ll start from the beggining. Before hitting the road i had a number of expectations. I was expecting to be making some good, earning a chance to feel joy of working with kids, learning with them, giving a tendance and love, motivating them. I also was expecting to meet incredible people, to hear about their cultures, their passions, friends and habits, to learn from them and to learn about myself. I am grateful that I’ve got all of it. Over and above I can say, with no doubt, being part of this project is the most meaningfull thing i’ve done in a while. Today I am collecting memories, fighting to keep each laughter, each recollection. One is for sure, volunteers will never forget how it felt when we were saying goodbye, I know i won’t. I am counting on friendships made there to last for a long, long time.Finally and most importantly i am counting on the thought that we made a difference, we made the world a better place during that week in Kosnica.
Volonter sam već dve godine. Godine 2015. volontirala sam prvi put, kada sam se ujedno i prvi put susrela sa tematikom kampa “Košnica”. Prvo što me je oduševilo jeste atmosfera koja obuhvata drugačiji način života, zdraviji i zanimljiviji, kao i život sa drugim ljudima. Upravo ti ljudi čine ovaj kamp posebnim. Volonteri širom Evrope okupljaju se radi ostvarenja istog cilja: dečijeg osmeha, njihove radosti, igre, želja za učenjem i sloboda kojom odišu kada su nasmejani samo su jedni od razloga zašto odlučujemo da se iznova vraćam kampu “Košnica”. Kamp mi je promenio pogled na život, omogućio da upoznam sebe i da stvorim neka neverovatna iskustva a ljudi koje sam upoznala i dalje čine moj život drugačijim. Ono što je za mene najveća pouka, jeste ona koju nam šalju deca, a to je da ne dozvolimo da dete u nama odraste.
Being a volunteer at Kosnica Children’s Summer Camp is truly an amazing experience. You learn to give of yourself in many different ways- most importantly to give your love to the kids- as they are in most want of that! Next to the kids you also get to meet wonderful volunteers from all over the world. It all comes together, the outdoor activities, the workshops, working and hanging out, the big show at the end! Simple word: LOVE. Love to be a part of Kosnica
I work with children for 15 years now. In theese years i had the chance to see, meat and work with a lot of people, took part in many activities and events that gives me the refference for what i’m going to tell you about camp kosnica. It is the best event for children i have ever been in Europe. Why? Because children and adults have honest and sincere purpose and communication, you have extra moment in your life that gives you the right perspectiv of having a bigger purpose. What I Saw there in 2009 and 2011 I’ve havent seen it so far. Can you imagine 30 people beating the,clock just for the sake of children and nothing more. I have seen people get paid for what they do, and fail or they dont have this much passion energy and share this much. Another thing that amaized me is the concept of friendship and togetherness. It is special, unique and rewarding experience for everyone…
Best regards for all volunteers and friends from Begec.
“I am Ariadni from Greece and I have been in Kosnica in 2015 and some days in 2016. I can truly say that Kosnica is a beehive of love and good will! My experience was something more than amazing!
It’s difficult to express all feelings and thoughts through words. However, what I can say is that I fell in love with Begec, I made new great friends from all over Europe and I was mostly happy to contribute in adding positive experiences in kids’ lives. I returned home changed, more mature and full of nice memories which I keep deep in my heart and I will never forget.”
“Hi! My name is Mariana and I’m portuguese. 2017 was the year in which, for the first time, I volunteered in Kosnica camp. I couldn’t be more happy because Kosnica taught me so many things.
Those two weeks in camp were amazing, I laughed, learned, grew up and made friends for life.
For me the scariest part was that I didn’t speak Serbian and the majority of kids didn’t speak English, in the beginning this was really hard but after that it didn’t take much to us to find new ways of communication, with them I learned the power of smile, hug and look and the messages that these small gestures can transmit.
I hope to come back to camp next year and hope that all of you that are reading this take the risk and come too.”
“I’m Katie and I’m from Russia. I was in Kosnica in 2017, it was my first time there like a volunteer and in Serbian in general. I got amazing experience of my life and I don’t regret this travel. I was really glad about the fact that Serbians are good to Russians. I will not hide, at first it was difficult for me, but after a while everything changed.
I had a wonderful summer in a great company, where we helped children and in return received a lot of new emotions and impressions. Kosnica changes people and you can discover yourself anew. This project has changed me and my outlook. I am really happy! Thank you for this possibility to be there. I’ll never forget it.”
“Our family participated as volunteers to Kosnica in the summer of 2019. We have been back for two weeks and we feel that what we have been part of has profoundly changed all of us. What started out as an experience for us to be useful and to get to know people from different cultures turned out to be a life-changing event, that has helped us too in so many ways. We could make a very long list of reasons why this project is incredible but, to name the most important among them, it is a place where good happens. The warmth, devotion and humbleness of the founders as first, followed by all the wonderful people who use their free time to participate in this project, are inspiring and an eye-opener: good can be done, love can be spread, hope and trust can be built. We will be forever thankful to Kosnica for all what we learned about “being there for others”; for all of the new, amazing, friends we met; for the laughter and the tears and for showing us that extraordinary things do not need much to shine but faith in humanity and trust in the miracle of kindness.”