Organization description


The Citizens’ Association  “Košnica” (“Beehive”) was founded on October 31, 2005 in Novi Sad, Serbia as a humanitarian, non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit association of citizens, but its actions were fulfilled long before the official formalization. The activities that are being carried out are mainly intended for children without parents and adequate parental care or aim at raising funds to help this particular group of children. Collaboration with SOS Children’s Village “Dr. Milorad Pavlovic” from Sremska Kamenica is continuous throughout the year.

Our vision is a society in which children, regardless of their religion, nationality, social and economic status, origin, sex, physical and mental abilities, are guaranteed children’s rights prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The mission of NGO “Košnica” is Serbia as a society where children without parental and adequate parental care and children from socially vulnerable families are provided a quality life and full integration into the community.


Previous activities


Our past activities include


  • 15 Sport ecological camps “Beehive of Friendship”
    where we have hosted over 1500 kids and over 500 young volunteers who have participated in the project, and during eight years of cooperation with the Volunteer Center of Vojvodina, hosted over 90 foreign volunteers from all over the world, of which the great majority returns to our camp in the following years with the idea to build a camp with the same name and the same idea in their own countries.
  • The project “More than a Game”, which is being held for the fourth year in a row
  • Theater Festival “Joyful Childhood” for ten years
  • “Street art fest 021”
  • A CD of children’s songs titled “Beehive of Friendship”, featuring well-known Serbian bands and artists
  • Swimming and skating courses, numerous workshops, excursions, museum, theater and cinema visits, as well as over 50 charity concerts.



The activities so far have included children from


  • SOS Children’s Village Sremska Kamenica (about 300 children),
  • SOS Children’s Village Gračanica and Sarajevo (BiH) (40),
  • children and young people from Serb enclaves from Kosovo and Metohija (200),
  • Children’s Village from Skopje (MK) (40),
  • SOS Children’s Village Ladimirevci (HR),
  • Youth Center “Malči Bliceve” from Ljubljana (SLO),
  • SOS Children’s Village from Kraljevo,
  • Novi Sad Children’s Home,
  • Children’s Safe House,
  • Daycare for children and youth with social disorders




Tax Registration Certificate       

Extract on Registration Kosnica   

Law on Association

Articles of Association

Official Page of Ministry of Finance – Republic of Serbia

Financial report 2019